'Many hands make light work' is a suitable motto for the new Crown Support from Bench Dog Tools. What used to require an assistant and a second ladder is now portable, permanent and unfailingly reliable. Unlike similar products on the market, the Bench Dog Crown Support straddles the molding, leaving the installer free to slide the molding and adjust it for the tightest joint possible. This eliminates the need for climbing down the ladder and adjusting the molding support device. The soft support pads are fully adjustable to accommodate crown moldings from 1-1/2' to 8' wide. Once adjusted, the support assembly swivels and wedges against the wall and ceiling, providing a secure hold with no risk of marring. Built from top quality materials, and with entirely tool-free adjustments. The Crown Support threads onto most standard painter's poles, as well as the new 12' Telescoping Pole (#31337, sold separately). A separate adapter (#33940, sold separately) is also available that allows the Crown Support to be used with the FastCap® 3rd Hand Extension, a support pole that many carpenters already own. Patent Pending.
- 1 x Rockler Crown Molding Support
Description | Specifications |
Weight | 0.9500 |
Type | Crown Molding |
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